Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Exciting Events are Afoot!

Remember how much fun we had at the Art Walk this spring!?!  We get to start out the school year with an Art Walk August 23rd!!  Mrs. Meyer's (Girard High School Art teacher extraordinaire) and myself have put our heads together for some great activities our clubs can participate in and share with the community.  This will take place on Friday, August 23rd from 5-9:00 pm.

Another event happening earlier in the week is the  MAC Fitness sponsored "Walk your Art Out" run and fun walk.  This will be held on Wednesday, August 21 at 6:30pm.  More information is at the below link.  I am a little uncertain of where registration is, but am sure if you gave MAC a call they could clear any questions you might have.

Run Your Art Out

Ella and I are planning on doing the walk!

One More Week

In another week we will be back in school (a little more than a week), sharing our summer fun with all of our friends!  Looking forward to seeing former students and new students!

Here are some random pics from this spring and summer.  Notice the new addition to our family!!  For some reason I am looking rather tired in the pic of Ella, Roger and myself!  A happy tired.

See you soon!